
3 Steps to Create Facebook Ad's on a Limited Budget!

Facebook Advertising on a limited budget
Patti Heath
10 minutes

I know what it's like building a business from scratch with little to no funds to get yourself started.  

Now that you have completed the essentials;

  • Defined Your Business
  • Created a Solid Buyer Persona
  • Build a User-Friendly Website/Ecommerce Site
  • Developed and Published Remarkable Content

It is now time to create ads that will drive the right traffic to your site and convert those visitors into buyers of your product or service.  I saw your thought bubble, "But Patti, ads cost money that I told you I don't have!" Trust me I understand!

Here are 3 Steps for getting started at a low cost!

  1. Create graphics using a FREE tool like Canva to promote your giveaway, product or service.
  2. Create a landing page on your site where customers will go after clicking on your ad.  Websites like Lead Pages make it easy for you to design landing pages on your own with effective templates that integrate with email and social media for as low as $25 per month.
  3. Now it's time to promote! Go to Facebook.  Inside of your business page dashboard is the option to create ads. Select the create an add option and build your demographics based on your Buyer Persona. Then select your daily budget based on what you can afford. That's It!

If you have started thinking about your target audience but haven't defined it yet, download my FREE guide today to get started!

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