
Social Media Rules of Thumb!

Social Media Best Practices from Patti the Marketing Mentor
Patti Heath
10 min

Creating engagement on social media doesn't need to be a scary or daunting task.  The key is to get organized!  Consistently provide your community with interesting content and engagement will organically grow. I know what you're thinking, "That sounds good but where do I start?"  Luckily dozens of industry professionals have been testing formula's that work well so that you don't have to play guessing games.

Here is what they have found; You can increase social media engagement with the 5:3:2 rule! Every week make a schedule based on the following:

  1. Post 5 pieces of content from other sources also known as curated content.
  2. Post 3 pieces of your own branded content.
  3. Post 2 pieces of content that are fun and shows yourpersonality.

Stick with the 5:3:2 rule and watch your community expand and engagement soar! To learn more about defining your target audience, download my FREE Persona Guide today.

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