
5 Steps to Master Your Own PR Online!

Mastering your own online PR
Patti Heath
10 min

Whenever we think about gaining attention in the public eye for our business the first thing that pops in our minds is Public Relations!   Well, that is because PR has been around for years, and it has been one of the tried-and-true ways that some of the largest brands in the world get consumer attention in the media!

The standard concept of getting PR is creating a press release or media kit and submitting it to your local media outlet and hope and pray that someone reads it, likes it, and publishes it! Most big brands use large PR firms who know how to get the coverage you seek immediately.  My clients who are like most of you are just getting started with building their business and may not have the funds to invest in agencies the way some of the most well-established players can.

No worries!  I have a way for you to start your own publicity without spending very much money.

Follow these 5 steps!

  1. Create a Blog: Start writing about industry specific topics that will be easy for people to find when searching on Google or other similar search engines.
  2. Become Buddies with Reputable Bloggers: Search online for bloggers that write regularly about your industry.  Once you have identified several, offer them something in exchange for writing about your product or service. For example: If I owned a mascara brand I may package up a few samples and send to the identified bloggers in exchange for their usage and write up.
  3. Develop Partnerships: Search for other brands that compliment your product or service and offer them a mention of their brand on your website in exchange for the same on their website.  Any opportunity to get links from other reputable brands is key to getting found more online.  The more you are mentioned by other brands,  the more people are talking about you.  
  4. Make some Noise with online Events:  Marketing events are now virtual!  There is no better way to get the attention of the masses then creating an event that will get them talking about you.   Be creative! I had a food client that started a buzz on social media. They sent out a picture of a delicious meal and invited everyone to watch them make the recipe via live stream.  Each person that followed the recipe and prepared the food via video tweeted about the event and received a certificate for the food brands products. This event caused such a stir that several media outlets picked up the story.
  5. Outsmart the Journalist: Follow the stories your local journalist publishes about your industry online via social listening streams.  Once you notice that a journalist has covered something in your brand wheelhouse, respond to their post with a link to your story that you created in your blog. Now you look like the industry expert and have gotten the attention of a key media personality!

If you're not sure how to tailor your messages to make sure the resonate with your target audience download this free guide today all about how to create a Buyer Persona!

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